Faith,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

No One Worries Quite Like a Mama

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No one worries quite like a mama.

She can’t help it. 

From the moment her child is handed to her, she’s filled with a love like no other, and she’s so afraid she may break it or mess it up somehow. 

From that first night at home with her newborn until that last night before high school graduation–she worries.

She worries if her little one is growing and developing all right and if she’s doing everything the “right” way (I put it in quotes because is there really a right way?). She doubts herself and her capability as a mom.

She worries if her child is going to make friends on the playground or if they’ll be teased. She worries, “What if my child is the one who does the teasing and is the bully?” 

She worries about them in school. Are they behind academically? Will they go to college and be successful after graduation? Are they safe at school every day? 

She worries about the influence this world will have on them. Will she raise her children to know God and accept Jesus as their Savior? Or is this world going to sway them away from the Truth? 

She worries about the world she’s raising them in because it is a scary, broken world. 

Worries, worries, worries. 

But then there’s Jesus.

Right there, reminding her that He is with her and will fill her with His peace. 

Reminding her that God already knows the future. He knows how her kids will turn out. He’s watching over them. 

And He’s reminding her not to worry about tomorrow because every day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34). 

But she’s a mama.

She’ll worry but she knows Who is her source of peace.

And that’s why when the worries flood her, she’s gonna be turning to Him.

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