
What if Every Day were Sunday?

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What if we treated every day as if it was Sunday?

What if every day was treated holy and unto the Lord?

Would our hearts be more grateful?

Would we be in a state of perfect peace because our minds were steadfast on Him (Isaiah 26:3)?

Would our lives be more abundant and would we bear more fruit? 

What if Sunday was every day? 

What if we prayed, read our Bible, and treated every day as if it was God’s day? 

Would we see more beauty in a world that is so dark and dreary?

Would our work be more fulfilling if we did it all in the name of Jesus?

Would we love our neighbors as ourselves more?

Would our lives be more restful and less hurried? 

Would our lives be a light to the rest of the world? 

Would every day be set apart? 

I think it just might be. 

If we lived every day as if it were Sunday, maybe life would be just as it should be.

Maybe our lives would be filled with more joy, more peace, and more rest. 

May we always remember that this is the day the Lord has made.

May we rejoice and be glad in it.

May we live as if every day was Sunday.

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