Faith,  Mental Health

Hey Anxious Mama, God Will Turn Your Anxiety into a Form of Worship

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Hey anxious mama,

Oh, that worried heart of yours. I can feel the weight of it all and the fear (gosh, that fear is real). I know what you’re going through because I am you.

I’m the mom who lays awake all night with worry. Don’t know what I’m worried about, most nights, I couldn’t tell you. But this brain of mine goes from one thing to another . . . for hours . . . and hours. 

I’m the mom who deals with fear. Gosh, it feels so real. It feels like there’s a threat directly in front of me and I’m trying to map out how I’m going to fight it off. Or maybe it’s a fear about the future and I’m obsessing over all of the what-if scenarios. 

I’m the mom who is curled up on the bathroom floor in the midst of a panic attack. Not sure why, but there I am. I’ve got my knees curled up against my chest, trying to slow down my breathing and not throw up at the same time. 

I’m the mom who snaps at her kids when my anxiety starts swelling up within me. I’m not proud of it. I hate it, in fact. But my heart starts racing and I start to feel my anxiety take over–unleashing the mom rage. 

I’m the mom who feels like a failure as a mom because of her anxiety. 

I’m the mom who wishes she had a “normal” brain that didn’t struggle with anxiety. 

But, yet, here I am. And I know God will turn it all for good. How do I know this?

Because every time I get anxious, I pray.

Because every time I feel fear set in, I’m clinging to my Bible for a verse regarding fear (Psalm 56:3 is my favorite). 

Because every time I have a panic attack, I can take comfort in the fact that the Holy Spirit is within me and will see me through to the other side of that panic attack. 

Because God has turned my worries into a form of worship.

He’s turning it to good because He’s turning me towards Him.

Through all of the anxiety, He’s right there.

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