Faith,  Motherhood

Thank You, Lord, for This Laundry

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“Dear God, thank You for this laundry.”

Seems like a weird prayer, right? I hate folding laundry so why in the world would I be thanking the Creator of the universe for something so simple as my children’s little undies and socks? Well, let me tell you. 

My prayer life has been eh lately–there, I said it.

Half the time I’m falling asleep on God and the other fifty percent of the time, I’m repeating the same prayers over and over again. And so, I decided to try something new.

I prayed over my laundry.

That dreaded pile that I hate to fold. (Family of five over here so we have a lot of laundry.)

I prayed . . . 

“Thank You, Lord, for these little clothes that keep my kids warm. Thank You for providing for my family.”

“Thank You, God, for this child’s little socks. I pray their feet will go places some day, but most of all, I pray their feet follow Your lead and that they fulfill whatever purpose You have planned for them.”

“Thank You, God, for my daughter’s spunky dress. May she always be bold in her faith and always stand up for what is right. I pray she never let her light become dim.”

“Thank You, Lord, for my son’s gym shorts and his energy. I struggle to keep up with him, but I am grateful for his go-getter attitude and his team player mindset. I pray he always has a love for the game and a willingness to go after what he loves.” 

Every piece of clothing, I had something to be grateful for and thank God for. Every piece of clothing was prayed over, along with the child to whom it belonged. 

And you know what? I felt myself walking away from that pile of laundry with gratitude in my heart and in awe of Jesus who provided me with . . . . laundry to fold. 

Perspective shift, let me tell ya.