Faith,  Mental Health

Sometimes Healing Looks Like a Little White Pill

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Sometimes healing comes in the form of a little white pill. 

Sometimes we wait for the miracle of healing and God is directing us to swallow our pride while we swallow that little pill.

Sometimes we pray, “God, just heal me already!”, and He’s saying, “You’re gonna learn to rely on Me and trust Me with this.” 

Let me be clear: healing is coming. 

The ultimate healing will be here, friend. One day there will be no more sickness, no more death, and no more tears (Revelation 21:4). 

All gone. No more. Everything will be made new. 

But the reality is this world is hard. It’s broken. And mental illness is real. 

Sometimes, yes, the anxiety gets better.

Sometimes the light shines through the darkness of depression.

And sometimes, I have to accept that God’s asking me to rely on Him more as I swallow a little white pill. 

Sometimes the struggle is too much to bear. 

Sometimes hormones suck.

Sometimes my brain is at war within me. 

And sometimes healing looks a little different than what we expected or what we prayed for. 

The day of complete healing is coming . . .

But in the meantime, I’m going to swallow my little pill that God has provided for me because my family needs me to be the best mama I can be. 

Depression is a battle I can’t fight on my own.

Anxiety is a war that I don’t have to wrestle with by myself. 

Jesus is with me right in the middle of this fight. He’ll never leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

And He’s nudging me to accept the healing.

Because sometimes healing comes in the form of a little white pill.

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