Faith,  Motherhood

Mama Be Tired

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I’m tired.

Down to my bones exhausted.

I’m not just physically tired, but yes, I am that too. (I’ve got a teething baby after all.)

But I’m mentally drained. There’s no more room left in this brain. 

All of the to-do lists and things to keep track of. 

(I have three calendars; now, that’s just ridiculous!)

Yup, this mama’s brain is overloaded and I’m mentally tired.

I’m emotionally tired, too.

I’m on this rollercoaster of feeling all the things.

I get angry at my kids.

But I love them.

I feel stressed.

But I’m so grateful and full of joy that I get to be their mom.

I’m anxious about what their future holds.

But I’m also (oh wait, I already said it): tired.

Just tired. 

Physically – 

Oh yes, I’ve got kids waking me up every night. 

I don’t sleep well, and even when I do, I still get up to use the bathroom every night because, well, #momlife.

Emotionally –

Oh yeah, I don’t think I can feel anymore feelings even if I tried.

Mentally – 

Yup, I’m fried.

Mama. Be. Tired.

Jesus says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28), and I think we hear His words and we think, “Yeah, huh, if I ever even had the time to go to Him!” 

Here’s the thing: Jesus doesn’t want us to be exhausted.

God literally commands us to rest on the seventh day, just as He did. 

Jesus doesn’t want us to be worn out. Burnt out. Tired. Drained.

No, He wants to renew us.

But He doesn’t want us to only go to Him when we’re tired or we need something from Him. Nope. 

He wants us to walk with Him.

Follow His lead.

Set boundaries for solitude and rest–just as He did.

Spend time with Him.

Be still.

That’s where real rest is.

Jesus is where real rest is.

So, go to Him.

He’s waiting for us.