My Kids Fulfill God’s Purposes Every Day

“And, God, I pray that my children someday fulfill whatever purpose You have laid out for them.”
Wait a minute, I thought . . .
I’ve said these words countless times in my nightly prayers. It’s every mother’s prayer that their children will grow up and fulfill whatever purpose God has for them. We want our kids to glorify Him and to grow up to serve Him.
But this time, the word “someday” stopped me in my tracks.
What if “someday” is today?
What if my kids are living out their purpose every day, just by being kids?
What if they’re meant to show the love of Jesus to a stranger who doesn’t know Him, just by being their adorable toddler-self?
What if they’re meant to show ME the love of Jesus and all of His goodness every day, just by being them?
What if they are helping me become the person that God needs me to be?
What if He didn’t just pick me for them, but He picked them for me?
What if someday is today . . .
Because every kid has a purpose, no matter how little they are. Doesn’t matter if their vocabulary consists of one word or one hundred words. God uses them every day and in every little way that is unique to them.
I pray my kids are used by God every day . . .
No matter how little they may be–God still has big plans for them.