Faith,  Motherhood

There is a Season For Everything in Motherhood

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“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a season for everything in motherhood, and with it, a time for everything. 

There is a time for craving ice cream as your pregnancy hormones rage through you. And a time when you just long to fit into those pre-pregnancy jeans.  

A time to want nothing more than to sleep as you’re filled with exhaustion. And a time to want nothing more than for your little one to call out for you in the night, to feel needed by them. 

A time to be buried in diapers and Desitin cream. And a time to potty train (and if you have a little boy, a time to wipe the back of the toilet seat after they’ve missed). 

A time for you to long for your house to be back to normal without tripping over toys and seeing mayhem every which way you turn. And then there is a time when you’ll cry as you watch them pack up their boxes and head off on their own. 

A time to give grace to your children when they use a marker on the walls. And a time to ask for that same grace in return when you’ve had a bad day and you’ve snapped one too many times. 

A time to throw dance parties in the kitchen and listen to every Kaboomers song known to man. And a time to see your child off to their first prom. 

A time to play pretend tea parties and princesses with your daughter. And a time to watch her walk down the aisle on her wedding day. 

A time to play Hot Wheels and monster trucks with your son. And a time to watch him get behind the wheel for the first time while holding your breath. 

A time filled with endless screaming, laughing, and noise throughout the house. And a time when everyone is grown and gone and the house is just silent. 

A time filled with worry and prayer for endless nights. And a time to hand it all over to God as your children enter into the real world. 

There is a season for everything in motherhood. 

And I’m sure grateful to God for each and every season. 

Because I know all too well, that each season goes by too quickly.

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