Faith,  Motherhood

Tune Out the Lies – You’re a Good Mom

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I sometimes feel like God made a mistake when He made me a mother. 

The mom guilt sets in and I start to believe what the enemy tries to tell me . . . 

“You’re a bad mom.” 

“You should be playing with them more and doing more with them.” 

“You forgot to brush their teeth (again). What a horrible mother you are.” 

“How dare you take some time for yourself today to write. That’s so selfish to do something for yourself when you should be entertaining your children.” 

All of the imperfections, failures, and reasons start to stack up against me and make me believe that I’m a bad mom; that God should’ve given these children to some other woman who would do a better job than me. 

But then I hear God step in and remind me . . .

“You’re the exact mom that I wanted for these children.” 

“You’re doing your best every day and I know it’s tiring. All I ask, is that you keep trying.” 

“You’re allowed to forget things and be imperfect, My daughter. You are still a great mom.”

“You’re allowed to do something for yourself, especially when it brings you joy. You do not have to give up your dreams just because you are a mother.” 

Mama, if you’re feeling like a failure and starting to believe the lies that the enemy is feeding you – that you’re a bad mom – I’m here to tell you that God doesn’t make mistakes. He did not make a mistake when He picked you to be their mother. He knows you do your best every day and that some days you’ll fall short. 

You are still the exact mom He wanted for those kids. 

You are still a good mom who’s allowed to have passions and your own identity outside of motherhood. 

You’re doing great mama, don’t let the lies get to you and don’t beat yourself up. 

Tune out the lies. 

And listen only to what God says about you.  

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