
Keep on Praying, Friend

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Sometimes we don’t always get answers to our prayers.

Whether it’s a miscarriage or infertility and you’ve prayed for a healthy baby.

Whether it’s a dream that’s on our hearts and you get a “no” or maybe a “not yet.”

Whether it’s praying that God will heal you of your mental illness and you’re still struggling through it every day.

Or whether it’s a simple prayer, asking God for patience with your difficult child and you find yourself losing it that day.

We sometimes just don’t get the answer that we want and it’s hard, I get it.

But the promise that we are given is that God has a plan. We know that He answers prayers, just maybe not in the way that we hoped because He’s the author of our story. 

Prayer gives us the strength to tackle whatever it is that we’re going through.

So don’t stop praying.

Pray your way through infertility.

Pray your way through the grief of a miscarriage. 

Pray your way through the pursuit of that dream.

Pray your way through your mental illness.

And pray your way through that difficult stage with your child.

Every. Single. Day.

Keep praying, my friend. He’s still there though it all. 

He’s still your only hope of that answered prayer. 

He still hears every prayer and keeps record of every tear you’ve ever shed. 

His love for you is still unending and He’ll carry you through it all.

So keep on praying. 

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

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