Faith,  Motherhood

When She Serves Her Family, She’s Serving God

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Getting down on my hands and knees to pick up crumbs off the floor from my kids—hands down, my least favorite thing to do.

There are some things that vacuum just won’t pick up, and let’s be honest, there are only so many times you can vacuum in a day. Eventually, that thing is going to die from exhaustion and overuse.

And so, here I am . . . on my knees picking up food off the floor. (I probably should get a dog.)

I’m starting to feel my age here, too. My knees crack when I stand back up. My back hurts from bending over. I’m not 20 anymore. And then there’s the occasional banging of my head on the table as I try to stand up. 

But this morning as I was picking up breakfast off the floor, I imagined Jesus. On His knees. Washing the feet of His disciples. 

This was so baffling to the disciples because this was a servant’s work. This was something that should’ve been done by someone far below the Son of God—not something that a King would do. But Jesus came to serve. He came to save us sinners, and He came to teach us how we should act and treat others. 

In John 13:15, Jesus says, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Mic drop. Jesus wasn’t just washing their feet, He was teaching them a lesson. He was setting the example of servanthood and humility.

A mama does a lot every day. She runs around and she has a full list of things that she’s doing for her family. Not for herself—all for them. She doesn’t do it for praise. Most days, she just wants a moment for herself. But she’s serving her family. Every. Single. Day.

Every diaper she changes and snotty nose she wipes.

Every meal she cooks and serves with love.

Every book she reads to her kids and every bath she gives. 

Every crumb she picks up off the floor and piece of laundry she folds with precision.

It’s all a work of the heart. It’s all in service of her family.

And as she’s serving her family, she’s serving God too.