Faith,  Motherhood

For These Children, I Have Prayed

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For these children, I have prayed. 

I’ve lost sleep with worry. 

I’ve cried tears of joy and been filled with fear of something bad happening to them. 

I’ve paced about my house trying to console a teething baby. 

And I’ve laid in my bed, wishing someone would call out to me and need me; for someone to be in my arms. 

I’ve sacrificed my body to give life.

I’ve cuddled and snuggled them with every ounce of my being. 

I’ve read books and kissed endless boo-boos. 

I’ve prayed. Oh, how I pray for them every night. I pray that they are blessed in this life, that they serve God, and that no evil would ever harm them. 

I’ve loved so fiercely. Oh, how I love these kids. They are my greatest achievement in life and a blessing straight from You, Lord. 

And at the end of my life, I will look back with heartache at how quickly it all went. I blinked and it was over. But what I want them to remember of me is this: how hard I prayed, how fiercely I loved them, how blessed I was by God, and how honored I was to be picked to be their mother. 

For these children, I have loved and prayed . . . all the days of my life. 

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.” -1 Samuel 1:27