Faith,  Motherhood

To the Expectant Mother

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT

To the expectant mother, 

Feel those little kicks and movements? I bet you’re wondering what baby is up to.

They feel so wonderful; the feeling of little life alive within you. That connection and knowing that you already love them before you’ve even set your eyes on them. 

That excitement of wondering what that little face will look like and imagining their mannerisms and all the moments you’ll get to spend with them. 

But this season of your life is also filled with some anxiety. You might be anxious about bringing your little one into such a scary world (because let’s be honest, it’s kind of a rough world right now). You may even have had a scare in the past or a previous miscarriage. You may even be having a high-risk pregnancy and instead of enjoying this season as a time you can eat as much as you want, you’re lying awake with worry every night. 

But let me tell you something Mama: you’re not alone. 

Yes, this world is scary right now and, yes, you may have circumstances that make this time even more scary but God is not going to let you go through this all alone, sweet mom. Because although you’ve never seen that little face and you’re only feeling those movements from your womb, He already knows this sweet child. He’s already intricately designed every sweet feature of their face and He’s planned it all out. 

He’s got this baby in His care and that means He’s holding you up too, Mama. 

And I know the worry will always be there. From the first moment we see that positive pee stick, us moms are filled with worry. And if this is your first baby, I hate to tell you but the worry never leaves. You’ll spend your nights checking on their breathing in those first few months. You’ll worry about their eating and weight gain. And you’ll continue to worry whenever they get sick or have a bad dream. And on and on it goes throughout the rest of your life. 

But you’ll never do motherhood alone, you certainly don’t have to. Motherhood becomes easier when you learn to rely on Him just as that sweet baby relies on you. 

So Mama, trust Him and let Him take care of the worries. 

You just keep imagining what that baby is doing in your womb and what they look like. You just keep nesting and counting down the days until their arrival. 

Take comfort in the fact that He already knows your little one and He loves them. 

And He loves you too, Mama.