Faith,  Motherhood

Love God & Love Your Neighbor

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Do you know what’s the most important thing I’ll ever teach my kids?

Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. 

That was Jesus’ most important command that He taught. A lot of people believe loving God is like checking a box. Go to church, read your Bible, pray . . . and you’ve got your ticket to Heaven. But we know it’s so much more and it’s something that will take a lot of work to instill in our children—what having a relationship with God should look like. 

But then there’s that second part of the command—the love your neighbor part. 

I imagine Jesus taught this one a lot because He knew how hard it would be for us as humans. 

To accept differences. 

To not let our anger get the best of us. 

To not be consumed with hate. 

To show grace to a stranger. 

And in a world where we’re all about ourselves, it’s hard to look at others and their situation that differs from ours.

Love God and love your neighbor . . . 

A mother will spend countless hours trying to teach her kids their manners and how to tie their shoes or flush the toilet, but this right here is the most important thing she’ll ever teach her kids. 

And it’s a lesson that is not only necessary to obey God, but it’s what this world needs most.

Kindness, love, forgiveness, thinking, and doing for others. 

It’s what will make her kids more like Jesus. 

It’s what will make this world a better place.

It’s what will change the world.

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