
Mama’s Always Here For You, Little Boy

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Be brave little boy, but stay grounded.

Speak your mind, but always be thoughtful.

Be strong, but be gentle.

I pray you always remember that you are a son of God—and He loves you no matter what.

This world is tough, but I don’t want you to always feel like you have to be tougher. God is tough enough for all of us, don’t ever forget that. And always remember that it’s okay for boys to have emotions and feelings. Don’t ever be ashamed of those feelings. 

Always persevere and when you fall (which you will), get back up and try again. But don’t feel pressure to conform to this world or that you have to succeed all the time. It’s okay to give up something in order to pursue or prioritize something else.

You are a very blessed boy, but don’t allow that to make you prideful. Be grateful to God and always remember Who your blessings are from.

And no matter what, remember that Mama’s always here for you.

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