
Boy, It’s a Pretty Great Show

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“It’s going by too fast.”

I whispered it to my son as he was hugging me and I sure was clinging to that hug. I never wanted it to end.

It’s the cry of every mama’s heart: it goes by too fast.

You blink and it’s over . . . 

The days feel long but the years are short . . . 

All things you’ve heard, I’m sure.

And while it all moves very quickly—you don’t miss it, Mama.

You take in that sweet baby smell as you rock your newborn and store it all to memory.

You savor the snuggles and rock your baby just a little bit longer because you know one day you won’t be able to rock them again.

You take the pictures in your mind (if not with your phone) so you can recall all of the moments.

You cry as you sing “Happy Birthday” every year and watch your kid blow out their candles (or is that just me?).

You pray every night, thanking God for your babies and asking that He protect them and bless them always.

You memorize their giggle, their smile, and all of the hilarious things they say as they put things together in their little mind of how the world works.

And on that first day of school, you watch them take that first step into big kid shoes, and eventually that walk across the stage on graduation day.

You take it all in. 

You memorize every moment that God plays out in your life.

It may go too quickly for us, but you have a front-row seat to watch God’s goodness every day play out right before your eyes.

And boy, it’s a pretty great show.