
Motherhood: A Back and Forth Tug of the Heart

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Will I always want more babies?

Oh yes, probably so.

Do I miss being pregnant?

Oh no, that was miserable.

Do I wish my babies would stay little forever?

Oh yes, my heart aches every year on their birthdays.

Do I want to be sleep-deprived?

No, I actually enjoy sleep.

Do I wish they’d let me hold them forever?

Oh yes, I love those snuggles.

Do I love the tantrums and tears that seem to come from nowhere?

No, and I’m still learning to be patient in the midst of all the crying.

Do I rely on Jesus even more now that I’m a mom?

You better believe it.

Do I love motherhood?

Without a doubt.

Do I love every moment of motherhood? 

If I’m being honest, no. 

Would I change any of it?

Not for a minute.

It’s a back and forth tug of the heart.

Motherhood is funny like that.

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