Faith,  Motherhood

Motherhood Can Make You Feel Like a Failure

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Motherhood can make you feel like such a failure. 

Every. Single. Day. 

“Mom guilt.” 

We’re hard on ourselves and we’re our worst critic.

We compare ourselves to others. We’re constantly looking at what other moms are doing and kicking ourselves down because they look like they’ve got it all figured out. (Trust me, they don’t. They’ve got mom guilt too.) 

We feel like we have to be superwoman and to do it all. That we have to be all things to all people—24/7.

But let me let you in on a secret: no one is perfect except for Jesus. 

You’re going to fail and fall short. 

You’re going to mess up. 

You’re trying just as hard as the mom who lives across the street (so stop comparing). 

You’re going to ask for forgiveness. (From Jesus, from your kids, from your husband, and from yourself.) 

I hate to tell you, but it’s all going to happen. 

So when the mom guilt sets in, just remember you are chosen, forgiven, and loved. 

Remind yourself that God picked you for this job and He doesn’t make mistakes. 

Remember you are His handiwork—His masterpiece—sweet, mama.

And that despite how hard you are on yourself, you’re doing a great job.