Faith,  Motherhood

My Baby’s First Day of School

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“Lord, I don’t like this one bit.”

My baby’s first day of school. 

It seems like it was just yesterday I was counting the toes and examining the nose. Now, here we are, backpack all packed and sending him off . . . and this mama is an anxious mess. 

What if there’s bullies?

What if he acts out or he is the bully?

What if he doesn’t make any friends?

What if he doesn’t like his teacher?

What if something bad happens to him because my eyes aren’t on him?

Did I teach him everything I was supposed to? Things like how to wipe his own nose and use his manners? 


These last five years have flown by and I know it’s time. I can’t keep him little forever, as much as I wish I could. 

But I know God has big plans for him, and I can’t stand His way. My kids are a gift from Him, yes, but they’re not meant to be under my watchful eye 24/7 for the rest of their lives. Eventually, they have to step into who God needs them to be and fulfill His purposes. 

And as such, that means this mama has to let go a little. 

So, while today was bittersweet and my anxious mind is flooded with worries, I know God is watching over my child. 


I know He is with my kids wherever they go, and that brings comfort to this overwhelmed mama’s heart.