Faith,  Motherhood

A Gentle Answer Deflects Toddler Tantrums . . .

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“Lord, I know that wasn’t the right way to respond. Please forgive me.” 

It was a full-blown scene in the middle of the store. 

She was so upset because I lost my cool when she wouldn’t listen to me. 

I had repeated myself several times, so to me, that should validate my response, right? 

I had two different strangers come up to us and try to calm her down. 

I had several people staring at us and then there was my son–covering his ears to drown out the cries of his sister. 

I was mortified. 

And I could hear His words saying, “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare” (Proverbs 15:1). 

And boy, was her temper flared. 

I’m human, I know this. 

I’m complex and I mess up. A lot. I’m imperfect and impatient. And it’s that impatience that leads to those harsh words that then lead to a toddler tantrum at its finest. 

And so I pray . . . 

“Thank You, Lord, for forgiving me. Please help me to do better next time and respond in a more gentle way.” 


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