
Now, I’m a Daughter of God

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT

I used to be her. 

The woman who was lost and frazzled. Looking to the world to form their opinion about who she was–who she is. 

The woman who had zero clue about what she really wanted because she was always searching for more. Whenever one goal had been reached, she was reaching for another one. 

The woman whose eyes were on worldly things and who put too much stock into all the “things.” 

The woman who seeked love in all the wrong places. 

The woman who struggled with her past and sinful behavior. 

The woman who struggled to find peace . . . hope . . . strength . . . perseverance . . . you know, all of the things. 

The woman who needed Jesus. 

I used to be her. 

And then He found me. 

Now, I am covered in grace. 

Now, I am unconditionally loved with all my flaws and weird quirks. 

Now, my past is wiped clean. 

Now, I have peace, hope, strength–all of the things He is–that’s all accessible to me from the blood He shed up on that cross. 

Now, I’m a daughter of God.

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