Faith,  Motherhood

I Just Need Him

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He wouldn’t go back to sleep. 

For whatever reason, he wanted mama but he couldn’t tell me why.

No tummy ache and he wasn’t feeling sick. 

No bad dreams or scary noises coming from the closet. 

No idea what woke him up or why I was needed. 

But I was needed. 

He was curled up right there next to me and wanted my arms around him. 

He just wanted my presence. 

The same is true for me and God mst days . . . okay, every day. 

I can’t always express into words what is wrong or what’s going. 

I don’t always know exactly how I’m feeling or what it is that I’m in need of. 

I just need Him. 

And every time, He’s presence brings me exactly what I need. 





And so, I just sat there in the night, cuddling my boy. Because my presence was needed. 

Just as I need Him.