Faith,  Motherhood

Kingdom of God Belongs to Such as These

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The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

It’s true, isn’t it? These kiddos are sweet (well, unless they’re in need of a nap), and they’re innocent. 

They don’t know what sin is (unless it’s a white lie when you ask if that’s chocolate or poop on their hand).

They don’t know what hate is. 

They don’t know what evil is. 

They know how to make friends and love their neighbors–just by being themselves. 

They’re what’s right in this world that is so full of wrong. 

And that is why the kingdom of God belongs to them. 

That is why Jesus says let the little children come to me. 

At this sweet young age, they’ve got so much more figured out as far as what the kingdom of God should look like. 

I pray to be more like my kids.

Because the kingdom of God belongs to them. 

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