Faith,  Motherhood

My Home is Holy Ground

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This is what my house looks like. 

It’s not Pinterest worthy. 

It’s not even Instagram grid worthy, and yet, I’m still posting it here. 

But do you know what my house is?

Holy ground. 

My home is filled with God’s presence because where two or more are gathered in His name, that’s where He is. 

My home is where His work is being done every day. I’m furthering His kingdom by raising disciples right here in these four walls. 

It’s where I pray every day that my family will glorify Him in all we do and that we keep all four of our eyes focused on Him. 

It’s where I feel the Holy Spirit moving every day when I hear my kids talking about Jesus or I’m praying for peace at the kitchen sink while my kids are in the middle of a tantrum war. 

This home is where we say grace before meals, we do worship dance parties in the kitchen, we read our Bibles and learn all about how David defeated a giant; or how Noah saved the animals from a flood. 

We’re growing as a family in our faith. 

It’s not a Joanna Gaines’ home by any means (although I am a fan of “Fixer Upper”), but it’s where God is every day. 

And that is why my home is Holy ground . . .

Because it’s where He’s doing His best work every day. 

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