
Mommy Gets Sick

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“Mommy doesn’t get sick.”

“Oh, yes, she does! You just rarely ever see me get sick,” I replied.

It hit me right there: They think I’m superwoman.

It’s been months (and months) of me caring for them as we’ve been hit back to back (and back again) with colds. I’m the snuggler when they’ve got a fever or their tummy aches. I’m fetching their water and taking their temperature. I’m staying on top of meds and making sure they have what they need to feel more comfortable, to get some kind of relief.

And it finally found me. I finally got sick.

But when Mommy gets sick, there is no rest and just watching T.V. (well, the T.V. is on, but it’s the kids watching it since I can’t entertain them or take them anywhere). Mommy isn’t able to nap in peace, let alone have someone wait on her hand and foot (unless Daddy is off work; thank You, Lord, for my amazing husband).

Mommy gets sick, but there are no sick days for her.

And while my kids think I’m incapable of being sick and that I am some kind of superhero, I know when I get a cold it is my body’s way of saying “Woah there, girlfriend, time to slow down.”

So, here I am, stuffy nose and I look like Rudolph. And while my kids still need me to be on call and there are no sick days for Mom, I’ve gotta slow down.

Mommy gets sick, too.

And Mommy needs rest.