Faith,  Motherhood

You’re the First, So I Don’t Know What I’m Doing

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“All these other moms have it figured out. You’re my first, so I don’t know what I’m doing!” 

I said it with a chuckle to my 5-year-old as he gave me a suggestion for his school snack (apparently the container I’ve been sending with him, he’s unable to open by himself). 

Poor kid. Being the first has got to stink sometimes. (And I should know since I am my mom’s first born too.) He didn’t come with an instruction manual, just the “What to Expect Your First Year” book. (Which I’ll be honest, I didn’t read cover-to-cover. I mean, who has time to read with a newborn in the house?) 

I don’t know what I’m doing, 

I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m stumbling my way through it all and making it up as I go (or googling it). It’s getting harder and harder as he gets older because now I’m entering into new territory of explaining the crazy things of this world to him. And even with his younger sibling, it’s difficult because she’s the complete opposite of him. So either way, I’m at a loss. 

How to remain calm when you have to call poison control for the first time . . . 

How to potty train . . . 

How to deal with the first day of school anxiety . . .

How to handle and what to say when your kid is being bullied at school . . .

How strict to be with them in regards to their homework and who their friends are . . .

I could go on and on.

All a mama can do is lean into the Holy Spirit within her. Because if I have no clue, I can be certain He does. He’ll lead me right. He’ll teach me what to say. He’ll guide me. 

Unless it’s school snack containers, well then, I’ll take my son’s advice and use a ziploc snack bag.

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