Faith,  Mental Health

Consider the Wild Flowers

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“Consider how the wild flowers grow . . .”

Jesus’ words were going through my head as I was planting some new flowers. 

I’ve never been one for gardening but for whatever reason, it’s something I had found myself doing. 

And I was obsessing over it. 

I was so worried these darn flowers were going to die–that I was going to kill them. 

Either I was going to forget to water them, prune them, or whatever else you’re supposed to do with flowers. 

“Ah, jeez, these flowers are my anxiety,” I thought. 

If you suffer from anxiety, like myself, you know what I’m talking about. We’re all about the what-ifs and obsessing over the littlest things. That threat detection hormone gets going and it’s a panic at 2 a.m. over . . . well, I couldn’t tell you what IT is, but my brain thinks IT is a threat. 

“Consider how the wild flowers grow . . .”

If you look at the rest of Luke 12:27, Jesus puts it this way: “They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” 

Solomon was a rich king, okay, so when Jesus points this out–He’s making it clear that the flowers (who do nothing to dress themselves) are still dressed finer than Solomon. 

These flowers may die, I don’t know. But when I look at a field of wildflowers, well, they’re dressed in splendor. No one waters them except for the rain that God sends. No one prunes them and yet, they’re still beautiful. 

Point is, my anxiety may cause me to worry and fret over something as simple as flowers. However, at the end of the day, God still holds the power to take a flower and make it a work of art. No matter how much anxiety tells me to fret, He still cares for me more than these flowers. 

And if He’ll dress a flower with such splendor, imagine what more He can do with me.

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