
For the Newly Postpartum Mama

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For the newly postpartum mama,

You’re going to get a lot of voices overwhelming you with their opinions in the coming days . . .

Do this.

Not that.

You gotta pump every three hours.

Don’t use a binkie. 

Sleep when the baby sleeps (as if). 

Your hospital room will be a revolving door with all of the doctors, nurses, and lactation specialists coming in–and you’re going to be inundated with it all. It’s a given.

And on top of all that–you’re tired (oh so tired). 

You’re emotional (hello, you’ve just given birth and thank you, hormones). 

My advice?

Take care of yourself. 

You’re healing, Mama. You’ve given life, and yes, that life needs to be taken care of. But you’re important too. And your mental health is important (sleep-deprivation and postpartum depression and/or anxiety is not a great mix, my friend). Sleep is important. Showers are a luxury, I get it. But you’ve got to take care of yourself too. 

Pump if you must, but prioritize some sleep too. 

If baby is gassy or colicky, don’t feel like a horrible mom for pulling out the binkie. 

If you have older children in the house, don’t feel guilty for letting the TV be on too long so you can take a nap. 

Take care of yourself, Mama. 

And know that God is with you throughout it all.

He’ll be your strength.

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