
Wait for Mama

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“Wait for Mama!”

I yelled it at you as you were running up far ahead of me today. And while I said it because you were a ball full of energy running to the park, I realized how true those words are for describing motherhood.

I feel as if you are constantly ten steps ahead of me as you’re growing so quickly right before my eyes, and I’m just not ready. I can hear my heart screaming, “No, wait for me! I’m not ready yet!” 

When you took your first steps and you started running away from me for the first time.

Wait for Mama.

When you move from one size of clothing to the next and it feels like I just bought you new clothes. 

Wait for Mama.

When you started sleeping through the night and you no longer wanted me to rock you to sleep.

Wait for Mama.

When you blow out your candles on your birthday cake – every year without fail – my heart isn’t ready for you to get older.

Wait for Mama.

I’m not ready for any of it as it comes towards me. Each stage comes quicker than the last. Each season is filled with change and I’m just praying you wait for me to catch up.

And all I can keep saying is, please stop growing so quickly . . .

And wait for Mama.