
I Lean on You the Most

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I lean on you the most.

As my oldest child, you’re my go-to.

The one who’s there when I need someone to “bink the baby” if my hands are full. 

The one who helps me grab stuff for little sister when I’m busy feeding the baby. 

The one who can hold the baby real quick and feed him his bottle as I need to run to the bathroom.

The one who can grab the snacks out of the cupboard if Mommy has her hands tied. 

The one who is right there when I need you, able to do the “big kid” stuff.

I’ll be honest, I feel stretched.

I’m outnumbered and it’s hard some days to try and be all things to all the tiny humans.

But that’s where you come in.

It’s probably not fair to you most of the time. I’m forcing you to grow up maybe a little faster. But you’ve also risen to the challenge and have taken on the role of helper. You’re the best big sibling to these little ones.

You’re my firstborn . . . 

The one who made me a mama . . .

The one I lean on the most.