Faith,  Motherhood

The God Who Sees Me

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You’re the God who sees.

You see the tired mama at 2 a.m. rocking her newborn. She has bags under her eyes and is stumbling through the motions of diaper changing and feeding the baby in her sleep-deprived state. She’s praying for sleep. 

You see the mama in the hospital with her little one, worrying if she’ll be able to take her child home or if they’ll be okay. 

You see the mama who is locked up in the bathroom, hiding from her kids. She’s praying for patience and wondering if she’s cut out for this job.

You see the mama who is battling a mental illness. Whether it’s depression or anxiety, You will wipe those tears and cast out those fears.

You see the mama who lays awake with worries about her children and can never just shut those beautiful eyes and get some sleep. You hear her going through the worries in her mind and You give her Your peace. 

You see the mama who’s filled with mom guilt because she snapped too many times that day and she’s beating herself up about it. You cover her with grace and assure her that she’s doing a great job. 

You see the exhausted mama who needs a break and a nap, but she was up at 4 a.m. with a child who had a nightmare. You give her rest. 

You see it all and You carry that mama through it all. You never once leave her side. You’re cheering her on every day and You’re her strength through it all.

Thank You, El Roi.

You’re the God who sees me.

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” -Genesis 16:13