Faith,  Motherhood

Jesus Was Thinking of Them When He Went to the Cross

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Photo by Sixpence Photography

He was thinking of him when He took those lashes.

Thousands of years before I’d ever considered having a baby, my sons were on the mind of Jesus as He went to that cross.

He was thinking of her when those nails were driven through His flesh. He took the pain so He wouldn’t have to go eternity without her.

Thousands of years before I’d ever given birth to her, my daughter was on the mind of Jesus as He went to that cross.

He was thinking of them.

The agony.

The lashes that tore open the skin on His back.

The nails that pierced His skin.

The asphyxiation as He struggled to take in each breath as He hung up on that cross.

All of it.

Not done just for me, but for them too.

Jesus hung on that cross, carrying the pain and sin of this world–all for them.

And as a mother who loves her children unconditionally and would do anything to protect them, I know the love He has for them. It’s a love that’s even greater than mine because, well, I can’t say I’d ever willingly endure that kind of torture and pain.

He loves them more than me because He did what I could not do. He willingly and obediently took it on His own shoulders and guarded them with His very life against the power of sin and hell itself.

He did it all for them–for all of us.

He was thinking of them as He went to that cross.

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