
The Third Time Around is a Bit Different

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The third time around is a little bit different. 

You take in all of the little things, as you wonder if it’s your last baby. 

You’re tired, but you know what to expect and you’ve learned how to cope.

You’ve gone from rookie status to seasoned veteran as you can change a diaper in the dark while half asleep. You know the difference between a hungry cry, a “change my diaper” cry, and a “I just want to be held” cry. 

You have a system down and it’s all second nature. You know the best products and you’re stocked up with all of the diapering and feeding essentials. 

You’re not checking on them every two seconds to make sure they’re breathing. (It’s more of checking every half hour or so. I mean, they are so cute to watch sleep.) 

You know what you’re doing–truly. There’s no surprises. Sure, every baby is different (some less gassier than others, that’s for sure), but you’re not fumbling through the motions and you’re more confident in your job to keep them alive. 

However, there are some things that your mama heart is never ready for. 

It’s short-lived, that newborn stage. It’s a blink of an eye and those slim legs become chunky overnight. You’re quickly moving through all the phases and sleep regressions, and before you know it, it’s your baby’s first birthday. 

You look at your other kids and you see how fast it’s all gone, and you wonder if you missed it. You pray to God that you haven’t and you try even harder to store all of it to memory. You remind yourself to savor all of it because you know all too well, it flies by. 

The third time around is a little bit different . . .

Because you know how fast it goes and to take it all in even more. 

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