
I’m Not Who I Once Was – I Am a New Creation

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I’m not who I once was.

That’s a fact, for I am a new creation created in Christ Jesus. 

And for some people, that’s hard to wrap their heads around. They still think they know me, or they’re unsure of who the new me is. 

They still see the girl I once was. 

But I’m not who I once was. 

I have been reconciled to God.

He has redeemed me and called me His.

He has declared me worthy–worthy enough to die on the cross for me.

Sure, I’m not perfect. Trust me, I know that. I’m far from it. 

But what has changed is my heart.

I’m a woman after the heart of God.

I am a woman who puts her trust and faith in Him.

I am a woman living on a mission to glorify Him and do whatever His good and perfect will is.

I’m a mom who is striving to raise disciples. 

I look at the world differently because this world is not my home. 

So, to those who think they still know me, let me introduce you to the new me:

I am a daughter of the Creator of the universe, who has made me a new creation.

I’m not who I once was. 

I am a daughter of God. 

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