Faith,  Motherhood

I Served Jesus at the Laundry Basket

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This is where I served Jesus today: at the laundry basket.

It wasn’t on a mission trip across the globe.

It wasn’t on a stage preaching about Him.

Nope, it was right here at the laundry basket; folding little undies and mismatched socks. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have dreams to serve Jesus in other ways besides motherhood. I do have other gifts He’s given me besides changing diapers, and I intend to use them one day.

But today I have two toddlers who need me for every single thing. 

Let’s be honest, the things we do every day–not always fun and definitely not always pretty (diaper blowouts come to mind). There are no trophies and some days there’s very little motivation. 

But God is still using you, Mama. 

To raise up His children. 

To make disciples of your babies. 

To lead you closer to Him because we all know, motherhood is hard without God.

To grow your faith and make you more Christ-like. Every tantrum where grace is necessary and every moment where you’re teaching and molding your kids–no moment is wasted. 

Someday maybe I’ll preach on a stage or do that mission trip . . . 

But today I served Jesus at the laundry basket.

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