Faith,  Motherhood

He Was Created in the Image of God

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I see myself the most in him.

He’s sensitive but not quite sure how to express his emotions, and so, he’ll usually bottle it up. 

He’s shy but also outgoing. 

He’s unsure of himself but also knows his own mind.

He wants to be a leader but feels like he just needs to follow the crowd. (That’s easier, right?)

I see myself the most in him . . .

However, what I want him to always remember is that first and foremost, he was made in God’s image. 

He is an image-bearer of the Creator of the universe. 

He was made for a purpose and there is a plan for his life.

He was created to love others and worship and glorify our Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, this world will tell him he needs to conform to this world, but I want him to always remember that this world is not our home. He was born to stand out and stand apart. 

He’s got a lot of his mama in him.

But I want him to always remember, he was made in the image of God.

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