Faith,  Marriage

God Knew Two Were Better Than One

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God knew that two were better than one.

I recently was holding down the fort on my own as my husband was traveling for work, and let me tell you, it was rough.

Me. Outnumbered. With three children.

Trying to get the baby to sleep was a disaster as my two older kids were loud and bickering with one another.

Trying to get the kids ready for school, all by myself, proved to be a challenge. Getting everyone dressed, remembering to brush their teeth, and making sure they’ve eaten their breakfast . . . oh, but wait, I forgot to pack the lunches . . .

It was a catastrophe. For sure. 

(And let me take this moment to say to all my single mamas–you are amazing!)

When my husband got home, I rushed to kiss that man. I was thanking God all week for a husband who helps me, and I thanked him for all that he does for us and our family. 

Every day, that man is a blessing to me and our family, and I pray I never forget that. 

God knew.

He knew two were better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9). 

That’s why He made Eve–to be a helper for Adam. 

(Sidenote, the word “helper” that is used to describe Eve is the same word that is sometimes used to describe God. So, no, Eve was not made to be Adam’s servant.)

And I’m grateful for my husband in this crazy journey of parenthood.

I’m grateful for my man who loves Jesus and who leads our kids to Him every day.

I’m grateful for a husband who remembers to brush their teeth in the morning so I can pack the lunches.

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