
Waiting to be Parents

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT

It felt like forever to me, the waiting, but it wasn’t as long as it is for other mamas. The wait to become parents can be a long one. And I’m not talking about just the 9 months for the actual birth but everything leading up to that positive pee stick. For me, this was a special season of my life because it was the last of my husband and I just being the two of us. However, this season looks different for every couple. 

For my husband and I, there was the wait for the test to give me the results … and then proceeding to pee on five more tests because I didn’t believe it (did anyone else do this?).

For other couples, it’s seeing that positive test over and over and to experience miscarriage over and over, and making anxiety high anytime you become pregnant.

For us, there was NOT being able to wait to tell all of our friends and family because we couldn’t hold it in.

For other moms, it’s holding back the tears anytime you hear that another friend is expecting and you just started your period. 

For my husband and I, we read the “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” book every week and followed along with the app, waiting to see if baby was an avocado or a peach that week.

For other couples, it’s reading up on different fertility treatments and making decisions about which route to go. Or reading up on birth parent’s profiles and the legal process of adopting. 

For us, on that final day, there was the wait in triage to find out if my water had broken 4 weeks early and the anxiety that followed as we wondered if baby was going to be okay. Then there was the 12 hours of labor followed by 1 hour of pushing before seeing that little face and counting those fingers and toes. 

For some couples, it’s waiting by the phone to hear that you were picked as the adoptive parents. 

Yes, the wait seemed long as my husband and I waited for our little boy. He made us parents and those 9 months (or in my case, 8) were the last days of us as just man and wife. 

The journey to parenthood looks different for everyone. Whether it’s a long, hard journey filled with obstacles and infertility. For some it may come unexpectedly or sooner than anticipated. And for others, it’s the adoption process and praying that you are picked, not caring if it’s a boy or girl. 

Either way, it’s a journey full of waiting and filled with anxiety and impatience to just see that little face. The waiting is hard and long, I know, but just like all seasons and trials that God places in our path – it’s all for a purpose and it’s all in his timing. 

Tonight let’s say a prayer for all the couples waiting for the day they’ll become parents. The ones that are waiting to become pregnant, the ones waiting for their little one to come out already, and the ones waiting for that phone call.

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