Faith,  Mental Health

I Can’t Tell You When You Will Feel Better, But I Promise That You Will

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I don’t remember the day – I just felt better. 

There wasn’t this big change in my life that suddenly made it easier to bear everything and get through the day. 

There wasn’t this epiphany that came out of a counseling session that changed everything or a break through in a relationship that changed my outlook on life. 

There was just this one day where I went to bed and thought, “Well that was an easier day than yesterday.” 

Don’t get me wrong, depression can come and go with every season of life. There are times where circumstances in life make it harder (like a pandemic for instance) and you have to rely on your faith more or perhaps start attending counseling again. 

Once you’ve had it, it’s kind of always there though. Sure there are people who only experience it maybe once, maybe it’s postpartum depression or you have a hard time in life whether it was a marriage or financial situation. 

But for most, depression just hovers over you. It’s like a rain cloud that could pour down on you at any time or pass over you and let the sun shine down on you. 

Depression is real. It’s not a sign of weak faith. It’s not a sign of you being damaged goods or broken. It tests you, for sure. You hear the whispers from the enemy saying that you are not enough or that the world would be better off without you. 

But you are strong. You know how I know that? 

Because you have a Father above that loves you more than anything. 

A Father that provides light in the darkness and will turn your wailing into dancing.

A Father that remains close to the brokenhearted and will renew your strength. 

A Father who has plans for you before your mother even knew about you. Those plans are to prosper you and give you a future, not to harm you. 

You are not alone. Your story DOES matter because it’s written by your Father above. He doesn’t write bad stories either. Every story He’s ever written has a purpose to it and has a good ending. It may not make sense right now and it may be hard, but it’s all for a reason. 

I can’t tell you the day when you will feel better. I can’t promise another season of depression won’t ever encompass you again. But I can tell you that you will feel better. 

I can promise you that your Father above is with you at all times. He sees you and He has a plan for you. 

Trust Him to write the story. 

If you are feeling depressed, please reach out for help. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please know you are not alone. Please call 1-800-273-8255 to speak with someone at the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Your story isn’t over yet and God does not want you to suffer alone. And if you know someone who is experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, please share this to spread the message.

(This piece has been republished by Her View From Home)

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