
To My Husband, You Came First

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT

To my husband,

You came first. (Let’s not forget that whole “then comes marriage and then comes the baby in the baby carriage.)

You came before the kids and you mended all the broken pieces of my heart from before you. 

So to be clear, you’re first and you came first.

It’s just right now, they need me more.

The endless crying in the night. (I know you wish to help but the baby just wants her mama.)

The toddler who’s constantly clinging to my legs and following me into the bathroom anytime he doesn’t have his eyes on me.

Wiping boogers, refereeing two kids, dealing with tantrums and time-outs, and feeding a child every hour (seriously Babe, they’re gonna eat us out of house and home); I’m just so tired at the end of the day. By the time you get off work, it’s like, “Hi Honey, now let’s go to bed!”

Less conversations. Less snuggle time. Less us time. Less time for us to just be us (at least the us that we were before kids). 

And let me tell ya, honey, it sucks.

But one day, they’ll wipe their own noses (and hopefully blow them on their own too).

One day, I won’t have an entourage everywhere I go. 

One day, they’ll be tall enough to get their own snacks out of the high cupboards. 

One day, they won’t need me so much anymore, until the day they won’t need me at all.

And that’s when we’ll get to be us again (although we’ll be a little more gray, I’m afraid to say).

When they’re all grown and gone, you’ll still be there, right by my side. 

Because baby, you came first. 


Your adoring wife

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