
I’ll Always Support You

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I’ll always support you.

That was the thought that crossed my mind as I held your hands as you took those little wobbly steps.

And it’s so true, my little one. 

Whether it’s struggling to learn how to walk, climb the stairs, or teaching you how to ride a bike.

From teaching you how to speak a full sentence to teaching you how to read.

From that first bully on the playground to that first friend you bring home.

I’ll always support you.

Whether it’s not making the team or sitting in the front row in the stands, cheering you on.

From the struggles and bad grades in school to the praises for all the accomplishments.

From that heartbreaking first breakup to the choosing of that special partner to spend the rest of your life with.

I’ll always support you.

From the choices of what career to pursue to where to live and raise your children.

From the pursuing of your dreams to the failures that will come.

From the sorrows and pain that life throws your way to the most joyous moments of your life.

Whether it’s the grief and sorrow from losing a loved one or the happiest of moments when you become a parent yourself.

From when your faith feels the weakest and you don’t feel His presence to the seasons where your worship is the loudest.

I’ll always support you.

Mama’s right there through it all.

She’s your biggest fan, cheerleader, life coach, encourager, motivator, and your best friend.

She’s got your back, baby, and always will.

No matter what, I’ll always support you.

Because I’m your mama and that’s just what we do.

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