
We May Not Have All Nursed, But We’re All Great Moms

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I always hear that there’s nothing more beautiful than the image of a mother nursing her baby. 

And don’t get me wrong, the image of a mother caring for her baby is a beautiful one but I’m here to remind us all that not every mother gets to do that. 

Some mothers are unable to nurse their babies for whatever reason and they have to either exclusively pump or move to formula. 

Some mothers are in the NICU and are unable to hold their baby, let alone nurse them. 

Some mothers have to go back to work so soon that they are unable to establish that nursing relationship with their baby. Then they’re unable to keep up with any sort of pumping schedule because, let’s be honest, a 15-minute break at work sometimes is not long enough, and so they give it up prematurely. 

And some mothers have the personal choice that it’s just not for them and they like the freedom that comes with handing their baby to Daddy with a bottle so they can catch some more sleep. 

But for those moms that are unable to nurse, watching another mom do so can bring up an array of feelings. 

Feelings of frustration and anger because we were unable to do the one thing God created us to do; something that is supposed to be so natural. 

Feelings of envy as to why another mom is able to do it and you can’t. 

Feelings of missing out on that bond. 

So to those that say there’s nothing more beautiful than that image of mom nursing her baby: I say there’s nothing more beautiful than a mother just soaking in her baby. 

Whether that’s rocking them to sleep, cuddling them, or just watching them and taking it all in. 

Because we all have a different motherhood journey. 

And to those moms who were unable to nurse, you are still a good mom. You are still able to bond with that baby. You are still able to have beautiful moments with your baby and just cherish their littleness. 

Nursing may not be for every mother . . . 

But being a great mom who will always do what’s best for her kids . . . 

That’s something all mothers are capable of.