Faith,  Motherhood

I Know My Child

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I know my child.

Yes, you may have more experience in parenting (or life in general) and I know your advice is coming from a place of love–but I know my child.

I know all of the fears he has.

I know all of the areas of opportunities that he has. I’m working with him every day to overcome them. 

I know the personal struggles and life experiences he’s had–experiences that are different from other kids’ because everyone’s story is their own. No two kids are the same. Not even my own two kids are the same (they’re keeping me on my toes). 

I know him inside out. His dreams, his likes, his dislikes, and his personality. 

I created him . . . so I know him. 

The only One who knows my kids better than me is God.

He’s numbered their days.

He knows every hair on their head.

He’s kept a record of every tear they’ve ever shed (which means He knows the exact number of tantrums I’ve had to deal with). 

He knew them way before He ever formed them inside my womb, and so, He knows them better than me. 

So, when it comes to parenting advice, I think I’ll turn to Him when I’m at a loss or I’m struggling to make a decision. 

I’ll ask for advice if I feel like I need it; but I’m going to pray and look to God first. I’m going to trust what the Holy Spirit and my mom’s intuition is telling me . . . 

Because I know my child.