
“Mama Knows Best” for Her Family

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I hate decisions. 

I am the most indecisive person you will ever meet. My husband laughs anytime we’re at a restaurant because I will be the last to order so I can see what everyone else is getting. I’m even the girl who changed her major five times in college.

So when it comes to parenthood, well you guessed it, I hate making decisions.

Of course I was prepared for some decisions. Like how we would discipline and what boundaries we’d set. And of course, the decision on whether or not we’d send them to daycare or I’d stay home. 

But ever since day one of parenthood, it’s been back-to-back with choices.

Do we vaccinate or do we not?

What kind of doctor? Pediatrician or family practice? M.D. or D.O.? (Yeah, there’s a difference.)

Breastfeed or formula? 

Organic baby food or off-brand?

Public or private school? Or homeschool? 

What’s the right decision? (No really, I’m asking you because I can’t make decisions, remember?)

I really don’t know. But here’s what I do know:

My daughter couldn’t tell the difference between breastmilk and formula and she transitioned seamlessly when the time came.

My kids never minded the off-brand baby food as opposed to the organic or name-brand kind.

My kids’ doctor is the nicest lady and they love her just the same; regardless of what her title is or her degree. 

What I’m getting at, is that when it comes to these decisions – whether big or small – you gotta go with your maternal gut and do what works best for your family. 

Hand that baby that bottle of formula or choose to nurse them. 

You’re a good mom that made the right decision for your family.

Send your kids to that fancy private school or enroll them in public school. 

You’re a good mom that made the right decision for your family.

Feed them the jar of Gerber food or hand them the homemade, organic puree. 

You’re still a good mom that made the right decision for your family. 

Follow your maternal intuition because as they say, “Mama knows best.” 

And no matter what decision you make, you’re a good mom that made the right decision for her family.

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