Mental Health,  Motherhood

Mommy Has Anxiety & Depression

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Dear kids,

I’m sorry I unleashed the mom rage today.

I snapped . . . you cried. (And then I cried.)

I yelled . . . you screamed. (And then I cried some more because I felt horrible.) 

But you see, Mommy sometimes struggles and has bad days. Mommy struggles with anxiety and depression.

It makes me irritable and snappy when my heart starts racing, and my mind is overwhelmed with thoughts. 

It makes me moody when I’m going through a streak of depression. 

It makes me boring sometimes because I lack motivation. I lack the energy to go and do, and I struggle to keep up with you most days. 

And some days, it makes me struggle to be a good mom to you. But you need to know this: I love you with all my heart. Unconditionally until my dying breath. Nothing will ever change that. 

You, my sweet kids, are not at fault for Mommy’s mental illness. You are not the problem, Mommy’s mind is up against her, but this is in no reflection of you. You actually help Mommy every day (in addition to God and Mommy’s medicine). 

When the cloud of depression hovers over my head, you shine a light on my day. 

When the anxiety starts swelling in me, your kisses and hugs give me peace. 

Mommy has anxiety and depression, but she’s still your mommy. She’s still her best self because of you and I thank you for helping Mommy do better every day—to be better. 

Thank you for being my everything. 

Love, Mommy