
My Sweet Firstborn, You Made Me a Mother

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My sweet firstborn, you made me a mother.

I always used to whisper to you as I rocked you and told you, “you’re the only one who knows what Mommy’s heart sounds like from the inside.” Well that’s no longer the case, my sweet boy, since our family has now grown to four.

But here’s what you need to know my little man, you made me a mother.

From the first time our eyes met, you stole my heart and I knew I’d love you forever.

From the first time your little hands squeezed mine, I knew you were a gift from God and that only He could have created this little miracle.

From the first time you were sick, you made me even sicker with worry because I didn’t know what I was doing and wanted you to be okay.

From the first word (even though it may have been “Dada”), I knew these years would go by too fast.

From the first time you walked, I knew you were going to run away and have big important things to do.

I cried leaving you to go to the hospital to have your sister, knowing this would change your world (and mine) forever. But coming home with her and watching your eyes light up the first time you saw her, I knew your heart had opened up to her as well.

You made me a mother and for that, you will always be special.

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