Faith,  Motherhood

Every Tear You Shed

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“Every tear you shed, breaks Mama’s heart.” 

I whispered it to him as he was crying about something. His tears were the result of him not getting his way but even still, I knew his emotions were real. His emotions were bigger than him. 

And so, I took him in my arms and comforted him—just as mamas do. 

I held him close and just let him cry. 

Didn’t matter that his tears were unreasonable. 

Didn’t matter that he was crying because he didn’t get what he wanted. 

His tears were real to him, and as such, they were a big deal to Mama too. 

I imagine the same is true for our relationship with God. He knows there are times when we’re completely unreasonable. There are times when we cry because we didn’t get what we wanted, or we didn’t like His plan for us. There are times where we’re hurt by someone and maybe we’re at fault too, but we still cry about it. There are times when this world just hurts too much.

And yet . . . 

God is still there to hear every sorrow. 

He is still wiping every tear. 

He is still comforting us through it all.

So, the next time your child is being unreasonable and crying for no apparent reason, remember that. Remember that their feelings and emotions may seem unwarranted to you, but it’s real to them. And remember that God still holds you as you cry no matter what you’re crying about—He’s still there. 

Every tear that you cry, it breaks His heart too. 

Remember that and comfort your child . . . just as He comforts you.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” -Psalm 56:8

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13