
God Stretched Her Heart a Bit Bigger

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My second child never got just all of me. 

She’s always had to share me with her brother, that’s just a fact of life. Some day, when her brother goes off to school, she’ll get all of me; but for now, I’ve had to stretch myself between the two . . . and sometimes jealousy comes into play. 

Sometimes there’s crying because someone else’s book is being read right now and their book has to wait its turn. 

Sometimes there’s a fight over who gets Mommy to tuck them in goodnight. Daddy just won’t suffice and I’m trucking across the hall, trying to appease both. 

Sometimes when someone doesn’t feel good, the other does not like it when Mommy’s lap is occupied. 

A mama gets pulled in every-which-way when she’s raising up more than one. And sometimes it doesn’t seem fair to that second (or third or fourth . . .) baby who never got all of Mommy. Sometimes it feels like they missed out on something. All of her children want her full attention and she’s stretched thin. 

But a mother’s love never gets stretched thin. She loves each and every child that God has blessed her with. There are no favorites. So, while my second baby never got all of me, she holds a very special place in my heart. Being the second baby (or third or fourth . . . ) has its advantages. I felt more confident and knew more about what I was doing. (There were fewer messed-up swaddles for starters.)

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if my heart had room for her. I didn’t think I could possibly love anyone else as much as I loved my first baby. 

But a mama’s second baby never comes second in her heart.

God just stretched her heart a little bit bigger.