Mental Health,  Motherhood

I’m the Anxious Mom on the Sidelines

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I’m the anxious mom on the sidelines.

I’ll be the first to admit it.

Every time he’s at bat, I’m praying he hits it and that he doesn’t feel embarrassed if he doesn’t. 

I’m praying he won’t get hit in the face with a bat or hurt in any way.

I’m constantly cheering the loudest in order to boost his confidence and ensure he’s having fun.

I’m anxiously watching him and making sure he’s socializing as he should be and making friends. I’m sitting there all worried about if the other kids are being nice to him and not bullying him (or that he’s not bullying another kid).

But as I’m all anxious sitting next to the dugout, I have to force myself to remember: it’s supposed to be fun. 

Not just fun for him, but fun for mama too. 

All of us moms just want our kids to have fun, make friends, and be confident. It’s why we cheer the loudest and support them no matter what.

But at the end of the day, him feeling supported is what matters most. Him having fun, is what matters most. Him learning to make friends and be a good teammate, that’s what matters most. 

So while I’m over here, getting anxious on the sidelines, God reminds me what is most important.

And I imagine as my kid takes to the field, He smiles down and says, “Play ball!”

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