Faith,  Mental Health,  Motherhood

The Face of Postpartum Depression

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This is the face of postpartum depression.

Can you see it?

No, of course not.

All you see is a tired mama.

All you see is the normal sleep deprivation that comes with having an infant.

But on the inside?

She feels hopeless and like she is a horrible mom.

She’s irritable and short with her kids as she’s filled with rage on the inside. She doesn’t know why she’s so angry. This should be a joyous time in her life, bringing a new baby into the family, but she’s angry.

She has little interest in doing anything. Sure, she has to feed the baby and keep up on the laundry, but any little thing for herself, does not interest her. Even if it’s a simple walk outside with the stroller, it’s too much.

She’s filled with guilt and tells herself over and over, “I’m a bad mom.” 

She knows she’s blessed, and yet, she’s depressed. 

But she’s reminded that God is her comforter (2 Corinthians 1:3). She’s reminded that the Lord will never leave her or forsake her (Deuteronomy 31:8). She’s reminded that the Lord will strengthen her (Isaiah 41:10). That He saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18) and that nothing separates us from His love (Romans 8:38). 

She’s reminded that she is not a bad mom, and that she needs to reach out and ask for help (and that’s okay). 

And here’s another reminder for her: God is not done with her. He’s not leaving her, not even for one second. 

She’s a good mom, who is just going through a hard time. 

And that’s okay. 

It will all be okay.